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Supported markets

Banbot supports Binance's spot, U-margined contracts, and coin-margined contracts. You are welcome to submit pull requests to support more exchanges and markets.

Can I open a short position?

Banbot supports opening a short position. Just set Short to true in OpenOrders(&strat.EnterReq{Tag: "short", Short: true}).

How many orders can be opened at the same time?

Banbot does not limit the number of orders you can open. You can open any number of orders in long or short positions.

Can I exit only part of the position?

Banbot supports partial exit of positions or orders. Just CloseOrders(&strat.ExitReq{Tag: "close", ExitRate: 0.5, FilledOnly: true}) to close half of the entered position. You can also pass in the OrderID parameter to exit only half of the position of a specified order.

Do I need to restart the robot after changing the configuration?

Currently, after you change the configuration, you need to restart the robot for it to take effect. However, after the robot restarts, it will automatically detect the relevant positions and orders and will not be lost.